Media Relations

LBR has cultivated professional relationships with local and national journalists, bloggers, influencers, and publishers for years.

When LBR calls or emails on behalf of a client, inquiries get answered more often than not because we don’t spam every journalist in your space. Instead, we get to know them so we know what stories they are or aren’t interested in covering, then match up your news with their needs to earn home runs that benefit you and the media, and help to create long-lasting relationships.


LBR strives to think beyond just what the client or PR firm wants to say, and thinks about how the story fits into a larger trend and is relevant to the reporter or editor. By approaching pitching in this way, LBR has built and maintained valuable relationships with key media that continue to add value for clients when they have stories to pitch, and even when they don’t.

Press Releases and Statements

Press releases and statements are one aspect of a broader public relations and marketing communications strategy. However, a well-written press release can help get the word out and boost online presence if it is carefully crafted to meet target audience expectations—media.

Social Media

LBR is an avid explorer and user of both popular and emerging social media platforms. The ability to seamlessly blend budding social media channels with traditional public relations tactics are key in supporting a robust PR strategy, and a skillset LBR has honed carefully for clients over the past several years.

Media Training

Prioritizing messaging, creating soundbites and exuding confidence are the key elements required to achieve media interview success. LBR provides clients with both “on-the-go” media training and preparation for all types of interviews including TV, print, online and radio. However, if more comprehensive media preparation is required, LBR works with a network of media training experts and journalists to ensure clients are prepared and confident for any media interview that might arise.